terça-feira, 11 de outubro de 2011


Uma tendência natural dos falantes nativos do inglês

Em inglês, para se referir à combinação de um verbo principal com preposições ou advérbios, utiliza-se a denominação genérica de phrasal verb. Entre os falantes nativos desse idioma, existe uma tendência a utilizar os phrasal verbs em lugar dos chamados single-word-verbs, isto é, os verbos propriamente ditos.
Para falar inglês de modo menos formal e mais próximo do cotidiano dos falantes dessa língua, é fundamental conhecer os phrasal verbs. O quadro abaixo apresenta 25 exemplos de uso muito freqüente.
Ask for
The police officer is asking for some information.
Back up
Fazer cópia de segurança
Don’t forget to back up your files every day.
Be out of
Não ter; estar sem
She was out of ideas about what to do.
Break down
Pifar; quebrar
The car has broken down – again!
Call off
Please call off my appointments for the rest of the day.
Clean up
Arrumar; organizar
Why haven’t you cleaned up your room yet?
Come back
Voltar de algum lugar
I’ll come back home later tonight, mom.
Come into
Sam will come into a million dollars when his wife dies.
Count on
Confiar em
Jerry can always count on his brothers.
Cut down
Reduzir quantidades
OK, I understand you can’t quit smoking – but can’t you try to cut it down?
Deal with
Lidar com pessoa, situação, problema
Don’t count on anybody about this – you must deal with the problem on your own.
Dress up
Vestir-se bem; arrumar-se
It’s an informal dinner – we don’t need to dress up.
Figure out
Entender algo ou alguém
As a matter of fact, this is a mystery to me: I can’t figure it out.
Fill in
Preencher formulário
If you want the job, you’ll need to fill in this application form.
Get over
Sarar; recuperar-se
In order to get over the cold, Elisabeth stayed at home and rested for a week.
Give back
Give the book back to him when you’ve finished reading it.
Give up
Parar de fazer alguma coisa; largar
It’s very hard to give up smoking.
Go away
Sair; ir embora
Go away – I don’t want to talk to you now!
Go on
What’s going on here, kids?
Heat up
Esquentar comida
I’ll heat up some soup.
Hold on
Hold on, she will be back soon.
Keep on
I’ll keep on studying till I pass the exam.
Let down
Decepcionar alguém
We trusted him, but he let us down.
Lie down
Please lie down – you must rest!
Light up
It’s very dark – would you please light up the way?
Log off
Sair do computador
You must read this article in our website before you log off.
Log on
Entrar no computador
How can I log on if I’ve just forgotten my password?!
Look forward to
Aguardar ansiosamente
I’m looking forward to some rest after so many weeks of hard work.
Look like
Parecer-se com
My son looks just like me.
Make up
Inventar história; criar pretexto
Melvin is always making up excuses to avoid doing his homework.
Pay back
Reembolsar; pagar
I’ll pay you back as soon as I cash the check.
Point out
Apontar; assinalar
Would you be able to point out the boy that stole your purse?
Put away
Guardar no devido lugar
Children never put their toys away after playing.
Put on
Vestir roupa; calçar sapato
Put on your shoes – we must go!
Run away
The burglar managed to run away with all our jewels.
Rush in/into
Read the contract carefully – you should never rush into signing anything.
Set up
Instalar; montar
Follow the instructions to set up the software on your computer.
Show around
Mostrar algum lugar para alguém
My cousin lived here and showed me around the city.
Shut up
Calar a boca
Shut up – I’m still trying to fix this mess!
Slow down
Desacelerar; ir mais devagar
Please slow down – you’re driving too fast.
Speak up
Falar mais alto
She’s a little deaf, so you must speak up.
Speed up
Acelerar; ir mais rápido
When I was almost reaching him, he speeded the car up.
Stand by
Ficar de prontidão, de reserva
Please stand by in case we need your assistance.
Take away
Levar embora
I ordered two pizzas to take away.
Take back
Devolver; levar de volta
Don’t forget to take these books back to the library.
Take off
Tirar roupas, óculos etc.
Take your sunglasses off – I want see your eyes.
Throw away
Jogar fora
The children cleaned their room up and threw away a lot of old things.
Turn into
Transformar-se em
According to legend, vampires can turn into wolves and bats.
Wake up
Wake up – it’s nine o’clock!
Watch out
Tomar cuidado
Watch out! This track is very dangerous!

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